Dementia caregiver training: Support group meeting

Samvedna Senior Care Foundation organized its monthly Dementia Support Group meeting on 20th January 2018.

People from all over Delhi and NCR attended the meeting, conducted by Dr. Satish Chawla (MD, FACP, AIIMS, retired Geriatric Physician) on ‘Caregiver training.’

An awareness session on Dementia was conducted for personal attendants of dementia patients. They were apprised on managing the challenging behaviors of the disease.

The caregivers presented and discussed their knowledge of dementia and the symptoms they handle. Our specialists shared the possible causes behind the behaviors and techniques to deal with the situation.
Stress management of the caregivers were also an important part of the discussion of the support group meeting.

Dr. Chawla discussed about stress and shared how to deal with it. Physical, social, emotional and general wellbeing of caregivers were discussed. Dr. Chawla talked about the importance of taking out time for distressing of caregivers to avoid burnout situations.

Caregivers also shared their problems related to their loved ones with dementia. Major issues and syndromes were discussed. Depression, falls, sleep disorders, cognitive impairment related questions were asked by participants. Common day to day problems like constipation, UTI and other infections were also part of the discussion.

The Caregiver support group meeting was concluded with the understanding that acceptance and the patience are the keys to be better caregivers. Strong family/friend support extends useful enjoyable life.

Samvedna Senior Care was set up in 2013 with the aim of providing services for active ageing and dementia care in Delhi NCR.

We set up the Samvedna Senior Care Foundation in December 2016 to promote active ageing through senior centres, and events and workshops on subjects like learning smartphones, interpersonal relationships and more. We bring together dementia caregivers through a support group and have a programme for seniors with early dementia, depression or other minor cognitive impairments.

All our counsellors are psychologists or gerontologists.


Our dementia related services:

Dementia Support Group –
Our Dementia Support group in Delhi NCR is a platform for caregivers to share feelings and support each other.
More –
Please call us for more info – Delhi NCR – 98184 21446, 124 4229659

Cognitive Wellness Programme, Sector 57  Gurgaon  –
Samvedna’s Cognitive Wellness Programme is designed for seniors with mild cognitive impairment, early dementia or Parkinson’s, and elderly lacking in enthusiasm and motivation. The aim is to stimulate the mind of the elderly to slow the progression of the disease or impairment. The sessions are 3 days a week, 11AM-1PM.
More –

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